Monday, October 02, 2006

Luke Sees Color

Well, it's official: Luke isn't colorblind!

I've been looking forward to giving him this test for a while. Now that he knows his numbers well enough, he can (kind of) take it. He saw this number. (Do YOU see a number in this field of dots?)

He didn't seem to learn his colors as quickly as other things (like letters and numbers), and that made me a bit concerned. (Everything was "blue!") But now he's doing just fine.

I'm red-green colorblind. I don't see a number here. (Strange, isn't it? It's normal for me!) Not a big deal, but I'm glad Luke didn't get it.

My Mom predicted this. She says it's passed through the female, so Kirsten would have to have it for Luke to get it. When we have daughters, their kids could have it.

Like I say, not a big deal. I don't feel robbed, cheated or limited in life. I think, how much more colorful can the world be? I can't imagine the universe being any more colorful than I perceive it. (Can you imagine colors you've never seen?)

It makes me think about heaven, where we'll be given a new set of eyes with our new bodies. That should be pretty cool. Maybe we'll be given eyes to see colors (or other sights) we can't even imagine now.

(Click here for one Ishihara colorblindness test.)


At 10/03/2006 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just wondering what you do when you come to a Stop and Go Light? You've probably been asked that a thousand times, but the thought occurred to me, so I wrote it. Grace and Peace.

At 10/04/2006 3:40 AM, Blogger Jim B said...

Good question!

The green looks kind of white, blending in with street-lights. But the red looks very red. (Likewise the yellow.) So sometimes a light changes that I didn't know was a stop light: but when it does, I see it immediately. (No danger, I promise!)

At 10/07/2006 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, conversely, will Hell be monochrome and all we will be able to do is imagine colors we will never see again.

Every sense will be the same. One taste, One smell, One touch, perhaps even a pleasurable touch that through sheer repetition becomes the worst kind of pain. The same sounds. And only the ability to imagine music, a whisper, birds chirping.

So the punishment of hell will be a creation with no creativity. No signs of a loving Creator.

Uncle Pete

At 10/08/2006 9:40 PM, Blogger Jim B said...

Deep. I believe you're right. Thanks for the reflection.


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