Saturday, August 09, 2008

How many doctors does it take to....

During our recent trip to Nebraska, Luke's nose mysteriously turned red. Out of the blue. Just the tip of it. It was weird. This picture doesn't do it justice. I gave him Benedryl in case he was having an allergic reaction, but it didn't help.

We had three doctors present at the cabin with us. THREE. And not one had a clue what was wrong with Luke and shrugged it off. Hmph. And, even worse, we didn't have an internet connection so I couldn't go to Dr. Google to look up horror stories on the internet.


At 8/13/2008 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technically it would be a SOUO. They are quite common and easy to diagnose. It stands for Spot of Unknown Origin. You may also see a FOUO every now and again which is a Fever. Or a ROUO which is rash. I find it is very discomforting for parents to get this kind of diagnosis because Doctors are supposed to know. Or in the absence of trained medical professionals, GOOGLE. Sometimes a spot on the nose is a spot on the nose and nothing more. Oh well.


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