Kirsten away, Luke and I are hanging out this week. So it's just like that TV show,
Two and a Half Men. But I'm not that jerk Charlie Sheen plays. (No, really, I'm not! Really!)
We're having a good time. A little bumpy 'cause we both miss Luke's Mommy. We look at pictures of her twice a day, and that helps us both. (I wasn't sure how he'd handle that.) I tell him how much she loves him. He gets a great big smile on his face. (But still fights me brushing his teeth.)
Luke woke up early, so he napped late morning, and that threw the rest of his day. We still had fun. We walked in the snow in the empty lot up the street, as Sydney roamed off her leash. Sydney loves the snow. Luke wasn't sure what to make of it and had to hang on, but had a good time. It's melting now. (And I'm bummed that I didn't get pictures.) I tried to show him doggie paw-prints in the snow, to help him make sense of his Baby Einstein Neighborhood Animals video (they show paw-prints running across the screen).
I tried to take him to the Library, but it was closed in observance of
Pulaski Day.
Luke says, "vv..v .dfc/nncccccccncn ncx vznvxmca." Which means, "Hi Mommy! I love you a bunch!"

Speaking of one and a half men reminds me of
a story:
D.L. Moody is said to have once returned from a meeting with a report of "two-and-a-half conversions."
"Two adults and a child I suppose?" queried his host.
"No, two children and an adult," said Mr. Moody. "The children have their whole lives to give to Christ. The adult had only half of his left to give."