Thursday, January 24, 2008

Heidi our Christmas Guest

Luke's preschool adopted a reindeer from the Brookfield zoo: Heidi. This is Heidi's toy version. Each kid takes her for a week, on an adventure, and talks about it in the scrapbook that travels with her.

We got Heidi over Christmas break, so we took her to exotic Toledo, Ohio.

Yes, that's "Coastal Ohio," with Lake Erie being the coast. Never thought of it that way before, did you?

Rebekah doesn't know what to make of her.

Friday, January 11, 2008

She's Growing

Take another look at this picture...

Kirsten (or Nancy?) just happened to take a picture of Rebekah as a newborn, sitting next to that same outfit!

Wow! The outfit that looked giant in September now fits her perfectly!

P.S.: These just-happened-to-catch kind of shots amaze me. I want to be more alert to them. (But is that possible? Sometimes the most interesting thing in a 50-year-old picture is some little detail off to the side. What details of our pictures will our grandkids find most interesting?)

Monday, January 07, 2008

Where's Rebekah?

I looked though our pictures from the holidays and can't find any recent photos of Rebekah, so Luke gets the limelight again. The poor middle child always gets the shaft.

Rebekah is weighing in at a little over 15 pounds these days. She's gone from a bag of bones to a little porker with thighs as chunky as a sumo wrestler. (I'm the only one allowed to say that.)

Luke, Rebekah and I went to her 4 month appointment today. She laughs now, and showed off that skill when Dr. Gillespie was checking her hips. Every time she moved a leg Rebekah cackled at her. Such a happy girl!

Luke took a pass on the stickers the nurse offered him saying "Not today." He had his eye on the tongue depressors in the jar and asked the doctor for them when she arrived. He played happily with two tongue depressers and made different numbers and letters (each announced to Dr. G enthusiastically). His attitude at the office is a bit different when it's HIS turn to get shots!