Door County Get-a-way
Last week we did an impromptu vacation with Matt and Judy and the kids. We rented a big "log cabin" in Door County, Wisconsin. We divvied up the bedrooms and shared the common spaces. It was great. (This "log cabin" was really just a nice house with a log-cabin look to it. Believe me, we weren't roughing it.)
The coolest part was seeing Jonathan and Luke playing together. They got along so well, really enjoying each other's company. That was a lot of fun to watch.
After the kids were in bed, we'd hang out a little--before we conked out ourselves.
The weather was hit or miss, but we didn't care much. We were having plenty of fun just hanging out.
It was tough getting ourselves together to go places, but we managed a few outings. We did an authentic fish boil (BIG flame). We went to a great petting zoo they just opened.
The P.C. Junction restaurant was a big hit. A model train brings you your food. The kids loved it.
We didn't get many pictures. Here are a few...
The tractor across the yard from our cabin was a huge hit with the kids. Our host offered to let us drive it, but we didn't trust ourselves. (It looked nothing like a car--pedals and levers everywhere.) We'll stick to pretending.
At the PC Junction restaurant. There goes the train!
Luke was so excited about the train he about had a seizure.
There's the potty! I'll be out in a minute! (This was behind the restaurant, not our log cabin!)
Thanks for a great time, Matt and Judy! (And Jonathan and Andrew!)