Steve & Tracey's wedding a couple weeks ago, one of the hymn's lyrics kind of spoke to me. Hymn number 703 (from the Covenant's blue hymnal)...
Hear us Now, O God Our Maker
Hear us now, O God our Maker, send your Spirit from above.
Bless this man and bless this woman, who here make their vows of love.
Bind their hearts in true devotion, endless as the seashore's sands,
boundless as the deepest ocean, blest and sealed by your own hands.
Give them joy to lighten sorrow, give them hope to brighten life.
Go with them to face the morrow, stay with them in ev'ry strife.
As your Word has promised, ever fill them with your strength and grace,
so that each may serve the other 'till they see you face to face.