Sunday, June 10, 2012


Rebekah was so excited thinking about summer vacation that she decided to pack.

So she pulls everything out of all her drawers and puts them on the chair.

And for good measure, she pushes her toy chest up next to it. For rainy days, I suppose.

Ready to go!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Making You Handsome

Rebekah keeps volunteering to "make me handsome" ("so you can be married to mommy").

Then she goes into my closet and comes out with my suit.  You know, to wear around the house.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

My Friday Flight

I was on this flight:

No charges for man who joked about bomb in bag on O'Hare-bound flight
It was a non-event, though, really. I didn't see a thing, except the air marshal talking to different people. Then, after we landed and taxied some, the captain announced that law enforcement was going to come on the plane. And there were police cars on the tarmac waiting for us. They come on, they lead the guy away, we carry on.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

3-Year-Old's Opening Salvos

When our 3-year-old wants to pick a fight with her big brother, she usually starts with a couple verbal salvos like...

It's not your birthday!

You're not five!

Fortunately her brother doesn't use them back on her. Curious how the three-year-old mind works.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Paid in Strawberries

After dinner, our son asks for two strawberries.

He says he promised to pay his sister two strawberries if she came down and told us something for him, which she (kinda) did.

He gets them out, washes them, seeks her out and gives them to her. She accepts and enjoys them.

Kirsten and I stare blankly at each other.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Who loves Rebekah?

A recent conversation with Rebekah:

“I'm a big girl!”

“Yes, you're getting bigger every day! You're bigger than a lot of girls. But remember that the bigger girls at church are still bigger than you? You're just the size God wants you to be right now.”

“God loves me, and the police love me too.”

“Well, um, yeah!”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dear Dinner-Time Luke

A note...

Dear Dinner-Time Luke,

When you leave the table before you've had enough to eat, then I get super-hungry! It's miserable. Awful. Terrible. Horrible!

Please stay at the table and get enough to eat for me!

Sincerely Yours,
Bed-Time Luke

Luke says, "I didn't write that!" (I say, "you dictated it!")

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Three Unsupervised Minutes

Three unsupervised minutes with the box of band-aids, and Rebekah has a dozen plastered on her feet.

I'm glad we buy the off-brand!

She's always had thing for band-aids. For a while there, talking her out of one was a chore. "There's no blood on that owie, so it doesn't need a band-aid!" She would disagree emphatically.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Rebekah's Quote-of-the-Day

Rebekah's quote of the day:

Sometimes I'm going to go poop, then I already did.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Irony

To set up our scary Halloween spider-webs, I had to brush away a bunch of REAL spider-webs.

Which is scarier?

Luke hit the age where cute Halloween decorations don't cut it.